Andrea has grazing rights to a large area of common moorland adjacent to the farm. Before she turns-out her sheep in Spring she always walks the whole area to ensure that there are no dangers and that all fences etc are in good order. It's not been so wet of recent, but the moor is still just one huge bog. She's wearing a brand new pair of Fouganza PVC jodhpurs, her rubber riding boots and a fly-fishing wading jacket over a tight wool jumper. The shepherd's crook she carries is not for rescuing sheep, rather it's to test the depth of the wet patches on the moor. Some are 6 inches deep, some are 6 feet...
Having checked most of the land, she's heads home via a notoriously boggy bit. The first dunking she gets is a real surprise, the subsequent ones are purely for pleasure...!
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8.1 min
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"Really excellent video with riding wear in a bog"
An excellent wet equestrian wear video. Andrea ventures onto the boggy moor in rubber riding boots, jodphurs and a short wading jacket. She picks her way carefully through the boggy areas at first, but pretty soon she's crotch deep in watery bog. From that point she struggles waist deep in the bog. Once she's out, she takes several running jumps back into the pool then lies down in it to soak herself to the boobs, including opening her jacket to rub peat into her pullover.