It's another lovely late-Spring day and Andrea is out-and-about with her camera. Riverside shots are a favourite for her, and she splashes through the shallows of the river in her Dubarry boots, a new pair of jodhpurs and a new Ariat riding coat. She wades across the river to take some long-lens shots downstream, but half fills her boots in the process. The water's not too cold, so after a bit of deeper wading and getting a wet bum, she decides to swim around in one of the pools. The jacket is padded and warm in the water and the jods cling tight, so she really enjoys the swim.
On the way back to the car, she can't resist crossing a really muddy patch to reach a secluded island, and then she needs to take another swim to get the mud off her boots and jods! All in all, it's been a very enjoyable outing with the camera.
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20.0 min
Reviews from Paying Customers:
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"Nice wet video, in jods and dubarry boots"
I realise that dreams normally come in fields rather than rivers, but it's a nice little video. It features Andrea in a smart red jacket, jods and Dubarry boots. It does start with quite a bit of "situation set up", but on the other hand you are getting 19 minutes for your money, so you aren't exactly being short-changed. Andrea wades into the river staying below the tops of her boots before finally flooding them, then wading in to her mid-thighs, waist deep and finally swimming so she is completely soaked. There's some underwater stuff, which I'm not generally a fan of but it works much better than most such things do as the water is very clear. After she gets out she walks a distance in squelching wet boots, before taking them off and putting them back on, for those who like that. She finishes up by wading into a very muddy pool, before cleaning up again in the river.