It's a grey and miserable day and Andrea is fed-up with chores around the farm. Having enjoyed yesterday's pond clearing in thigh waders, she wonders if there's similar work to do at the dam. This time she's wearing denim breeches with a thick suede seat, and a goretex riding coat. Over the top she has a pair of Caperlan chest waders and long PVC gloves. The best cure for boredom is a bit of fun, so why not swim around in the dam, getting completely soaked?! The water is at least 4degC! Thank goodness there's a warm shower back at the house.
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6.8 min
Reviews from Paying Customers:
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"Very well done chest waders video"
A very nicely put together video. We get a kitting up sequence at the beginning when Andrea puts her gear on, and the equivalent at the end, where she takes it off again (... only down to normal riding kit, rather than to nudity, just so we're clear). In the middle, Andrea wades through a thigh deep stream, then waist deep in a pond before flooding her chest waders, repeatedly and very thoroughly. I'm not kidding about the "thoroughly"--she repeatedly jumps into water over the tops of the waders, floats on her back in the pond and ultimately kneels down in the pond so she's up to her neck. Finally, there's a little bonus at the end where she takes a fully-clothed shower. All together, a very nicely well put together piece.