The Easter Bunny has visited the farm, leaving a trail of miniature Easter Eggs for Andrea to find! The trail starts-off easy, in the yard, on the dry stone walls, but then it crosses a fence into a really boggy area. For the first couple of finds in the bog Andrea can stay dry, but the next one needs her to go over her boot tops, and to reach the one after that she has to venture up to her mid-thighs in the mud. She'd better zip her leather jacket up to the collar for the last one! If she didn't know better, she'd have thought that the Easter Bunny was doing this on purpose; that naughty Easter Bunny!
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20.1 min
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"Andrea goes to great depths) to get her easter eggs :-)"
The central conceit of this is Andrea looking for easter eggs, which have been hidden round the farm. She's wearing shiny PVC leggings, leather jacket and rubber riding boots, though rather loose fitting ones. The first ones are easily found on the yard, but further ones are in a muddy bog where she goes in over her knees, flooding her boots, and ultimately thigh deep. She finishes by sitting down in the bog so she is up to her armpits in liquid mud, and then jumps in a pond on her way home to clean herself up. Note that this is 20 minutes long, so you get your money's worth.