It was a lovely late August day, warm air, blue sky with a few high clouds, and lots of sunshine. It was early afternoon and Andrea had finished her work around the farmyard, so she decided to go for a wander down by the river, perhaps have a swim.
A great opportunity to wear her alien-print one-piece Lycra Zentai suit, she thought it was great for swimming in. And so, with matching red and black Musto wellies and a shiny black PVC jacket to cover her top half, she drove the short distance to the river and walked down to the water's edge. Having had minimal rain for over 12 weeks, the water level was very low indeed, and many of the usually-submerged rock shelves were exposed for her to walk on; there were deep pools in between the rock pavements just perfect for splashing and lounging and swimming. After a bit of splashing she waded deeper and the water topped her wellies. It was cool and refreshing on such a warm day. The water level reached her waist and, with the catsuit being so thin, she felt like she was naked in the water. She sat in the bubbling flow with the sunlight reflecting off the water all around her. She swam and she floated, she lay back in the warm shallows and she kicked spray into the sunshine. There was no breeze whatsoever and the Lycra suit kept her warm. It was a magical place and she could have stayed for hours and hours. But all good things must come to end it won't be long, she thought, before the swallows headed South, the nights began to draw-in and the weather became very wet and windy. Pity about the swallows and the dark evenings, but lots to look forwards to in terms of the weather!